New live video: ‘Bad Blood’
This is my site Written by The Drum Machine on 2009-10-29

We know it’s been a bit quiet around these parts, but have no fear, As Yet Unbroken has not gone anywhere! Some sad news has befallen a few members of our erstwhile group in the last month, which has forced us to scale back on public appearances, but we’ve also been taking time to write new material and prepare for recording as we’ve been planning for some time.

In the meantime, we brought you a present: One of our newest songs, the haunting and hypnotic “Bad Blood,” presented to you for the first time on video. This performance comes from our show during the fall Neon Reverb music festival at the Thunderbird Lounge inside the Aruba Hotel. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to seeing you all again soon!

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