Building a Foundation

When I posted the last page of "The Utopian" in October 2010, I effectively closed the door on that chapter of my creative life. Or so I thought.

Buy This: Omega Comics Presents Bluetick & Redbone

Get your hands on the first issue of the second volume of Omega Comics Presents, which introduces Bluetick & Redbone, a pair of ne'er-do-wells who find themselves caught in the middle of a set-up they never bargained for.

Where I’ll Be: Theatre7

Yes, the rumors are true: I've switched from drums to guitar in As Yet Unbroken, and you can see for yourself if that was a bad idea this Friday, March 30.

Weekend in review: Wondercon 2012

I'm back from soggy Southern California, where I was camped out inside the Anaheim Convention Center for three days to pimp myself and my wares at Wondercon.

Vegas Seven: Sporadica Designs

The editors of Vegas Seven have let me loose in the Arts & Entertainment section of their weekly paper again. This time, I write about a quaint little gallery inside Emergency Arts, Sporadica Designs.

Where I’ll Be: Alternate Reality Comics

I expect to see you at Alternate Reality Comics (4110 S. Maryland Parkway #8) this Saturday, Feb. 25, from noon to 3 p.m., because I'm assembling the crew behind "Tales from Fremont Street" for a special signing and art exhibition kick-off.

Design Drip presentation

Here's video of my bumbling presentation at last month's Design Drip meeting. Despite bringing note cards, I went totally off script, but hey, life is off script, right?

Where I’ll Be: Design Drip

This Saturday morning, I'm scheduled to give a presentation at Design Drip, a monthly gathering of creative types at The Beat inside Emergency Arts in downtown Las Vegas.


My good frenemy James Reza posted something on Facebook the other day to the effect of "there are five days left in 2011, make the most of them." Good advice. But do enough of us take that advice to its next logical step, making the most of EVERY day, EVERY year?