Buy This: Omega Comics Presents Bluetick & Redbone

Get your hands on the first issue of the second volume of Omega Comics Presents, which introduces Bluetick & Redbone, a pair of ne'er-do-wells who find themselves caught in the middle of a set-up they never bargained for.

Weekend in review: Wondercon 2012

I'm back from soggy Southern California, where I was camped out inside the Anaheim Convention Center for three days to pimp myself and my wares at Wondercon.

Homemade Comics

Between the ages of 10 and 15, I created hundreds of homemade comic strips and comic books, most of which took place within a shared 'universe' and stole heavily from already-existing licensed characters. I am posting them in relative chronological order for all the internet to see.

Where I’ll Be: Alternate Reality Comics

I expect to see you at Alternate Reality Comics (4110 S. Maryland Parkway #8) this Saturday, Feb. 25, from noon to 3 p.m., because I'm assembling the crew behind "Tales from Fremont Street" for a special signing and art exhibition kick-off.

Desktop snapshot, 2/20/12

I'm finally (I hope) on the upward climb out of a mildly nasty cold I've been working through the last four or five days. It wasn't incapacitating, but it did keep me on bed/couch-rest for a few days, erased most of my social calendar, and tossed out my exercise routine.

Desktop snapshot, 2/11/12

In which our hero learns how to stop worrying and get his blog on.

Where I’ll Be: Vegas Valley Comic Book Festival

Grab your kids and loved ones, throw on something geeky, and spend this Saturday, Nov. 5 with me at the Vegas Valley Comic Book Festival. It's FREE, y'all!

Spinning Tales from Fremont Street

"Spinning Tales from Fremont Street" opens inside the Barrick Museum at UNLV this Wednesday, featuring original art, sketches, notes and other behind-the-scenes looks at the new anthology comic, "Tales from Fremont Street."

The Best of Omega Comics Presents, Vol. 1

The Best of Omega Comics Presents, Vol. 1, is coming out in September, collecting the best stories from the first four issues of that anthology series, including all four chapters of my story, "Omega."