This week on The Utopian: Foundation

Mr. Anderson's affability is put to the test. Meanwhile, Nate Aguila makes his first appearance as he checks in on his younger brother Luis.

This week on The Utopian: Foundation

As Sagebrush High School gears up for the big fundraising gala celebrating the opening of the James Douglas Center for Conflict Resolution, fears that sabotage may be lurking rear their ugly heads.

Building a Foundation

When I posted the last page of "The Utopian" in October 2010, I effectively closed the door on that chapter of my creative life. Or so I thought.

Desktop snapshot, 2/20/12

I'm finally (I hope) on the upward climb out of a mildly nasty cold I've been working through the last four or five days. It wasn't incapacitating, but it did keep me on bed/couch-rest for a few days, erased most of my social calendar, and tossed out my exercise routine.

Desktop snapshot, 2/11/12

In which our hero learns how to stop worrying and get his blog on.