The Good Earth

Like most people, I probably overdid it on the sweets, carbs and liquor over the holidays, so say hello to Detox Mini Week 2014.

Detox Mini-Week 2013

It's been a while since the last system reboot and I've been feeling kinda blergh lately, so I decided to try and squeeze in a four-or-five-day detox between weekends.

Protein up: In reflection

I knew doing an all-protein diet with my limited food palate was going to be tough. And sure enough, by Thursday (day 4) of this nonsense, I was getting pretty bored with eating nothing but fish, egg whites and non-starchy vegetables.

Protein up

You suffered through multiple Detox Weeks. You endured Couch to 5k (I spared you 5k to half-marathon ... so far). Are you possibly at all ready for All-Protein Week? I know I'm not.