Detox Week 2010: Day One

As I detailed in this semi-boring video on Tuesday, I kicked off another week of self-denial and hunger yesterday. As I’m old hat at this by now, it didn’t go too badly at all. I started off the day at about 5:30 a.m. with half a Clif Bar — my final rich-ish food before launching into full detox mode — and a mile-and-a-half run, the last few blocks of which were done under a sudden downpour. It was a beautiful morning, lightning illuminating the sky all around and thunder rolling the whole time, so … good start.

My diet for the rest of the day, which will look familiar to anyone who followed me during Detox Week 2009, looked something like this:

  • Breakfast: One apple, one cup Dynamo juice blend (basically liquid vitamins)
  • Morning snack: One apple pie flavor Larabar (raw/vegan snack bar)
  • Lunch: Raw carrots and celery with Bragg Liquid Aminos
  • Afternoon snack: Celery and peanut butter (organic, no oil or sugar), some raw almonds and walnuts
  • Dinner: Whipped up a veggie stew (potatoes, onions, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower — I forgot celery?!). So good, even Sara ate it!
  • Beverages: Just water except for what’s mentioned above, plus a few swigs of Trader Joe’s Green Protein juice.

My energy level was pretty good all day, as expected. No sleepy feeling post-lunch like I normally experience following a sandwich or something. I actually got about 1200 words written last night for this article that’s been plaguing me for months (and is actually due next week), which is more than I’ve been able to do up ’til now. Not sure if that had more to do with desperation of a looming deadline or increased awareness from my nutritional changes, but I’m hoping today I can keep up the pace and finish the rest of the story.

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